Electric current and electrical energy.
Directed reading a section electric current and electrical energy answers.
The table should de scribe what electric current voltage and resistance are and how one property affects another property.
Reading organizer as you read this section make a table.
Electrical energy is converted to thermal energy when the wires heat up.
Electrical energy to light energy with a lamp.
V i x r b l vx r c r i x v d r v x 1 2.
Current is measured in a.
Which of the following is the unit for electric current.
Electrical energy is equal to x time.
Then draw a line from the dot next to each.
Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools.
Directed reading b section.
What is the rate at which chargespass a given point.
What is something that raises or lowers the voltage of electric current called.
Directed reading intro to electricity read section one on page 474 and answer the questions below.
Amperes or amps c.
As resistance goes up whatgoes down.
The energy ofelectric charges is called electric current 2.
The energy of electric charges is called electric current 30.
Directed reading b continued transformers circle the letter of the best answer for each question.
Xerts a force on anything that has n electric charge 2 words daterial that does not allow an elec ric current to pass through it easily that like charges do.
Which ofthe following equations is ohm slaw.
Current has only one loop to flow through in a a.
Electrical energy to sound energy with an alarm clock.
How do these concepts connect.
What do you call the tiny particles that make up matter.
Which ofthe following isthe unit for electric current.
Chapter 17 section 3 directed reading answers electrical calculations a german school teacher named georg ohm wondered how electric current voltage and resistance are related.
Electric current and electrical energy 1.
Electric generator electrical energy for your home read the description.
Directed reading a date section.
Electrical calculations connecting current voltage and resistance ohm s law circle the letter of the best answer for each question.
Electrical energy is converted into kinetic energy when the fan blades spin.
Electric current and electrical ener 29.
Start studying section 2.
Section2 electric current and electrical energy introduction to electricity name class date.
Electric charge and static electricity electric charge 1.